Personal Requirements

  • 4 pcs. 1 x 1 ID picture
  • Photocopy of Birth Certificate (if single)
  • Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
  • Photocopy of Death Certificate (if widow / widower)
  • Proof of Billing Address (MERALCO, PLDT, Water Bill, etc.)
  • Certificate of Tenancy & Valid ID of Landlord (if renting)
  • 2 Valid ID with Signature (Government issued)
  • Approved Membership Status Verification Slip (MSVS)
  • Special Power of Attorney and Valid ID of Atty-in-fact (if any)
  • Residence Certificate/ Cedula (photocopy)
  • Postdated Checks (Downpayment & Monthly Amortization)

For locally employed, please add these:

  • Certificate of Employment and Compensation (Notarized)
  • Latest Income Tax Return (ITR)
  • Lastest 3 mos. Payslip
  • Service Record (if government employee)
  • Copy of latest ESAV with at least 24 mos. contribution
